Wednesday, February 1, 2017


 One of the popular Karaoke chains

Karaoke, a national past time that is popular throughout Japan. For a few bucks, you can rent a small studio that has a good sound and video system and a very large selection of Japanese and international tunes. Pretty much any American tune, from any era, is available. At most karaoke establishments, they also offer a wide selection of free drinks; and for those so inclined you can order full meals.

You don’t have to be a great singer to enjoy karaoke (most people are not). From what I’ve seen, it is the companionship and enjoyment of doing things with your family/friends that matters most. The applause is usually the same no matter how good or bad your ability to carry a tune. This said, I don’t karaoke. I once was singing in the shower and I sounded so bad I had to slap myself. Since my wife is a fantastic singer and loves karaoke, I frequently find myself in karaoke studios watching my own private concert but not participating.

Karaoke Machine

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