Friday, February 17, 2017


Fast food joints to departments stores, cashiers in Japan are very fast, very efficient, and ultra-polite. You do not hand money over directly to cashiers, rather, there is a small tray always available where you place your cash. The cashier will announce how much you owe, then say out loud how much money you put out. Any change necessary and they will hold it out for you to clearly see all coins and bills. They will then present it to you, along with the receipt, holding it in both hands, and extending it towards you to take.

Whenever a line gets long, assuming there are more cashiers available, they will very quickly arrive to brings thing back under control. You seldom have to wait in a line for more than a minute.

A nice little addition, it is not uncommon to find an old-fashioned bell at a sales counter. No cashier? No problem, just ring the bell and magically they will appear.

Ring the bell for for customer service

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