Monday, March 13, 2017


The wife and I have been in Japan since late December 2016, but, we just recently moved into our own place. It is amazing how much we didn't know and how much we have yet to learn about living in Japan. THERE IS A LOT TO KNOW!

I'm a few days behind in making blog entries with my hectic schedule, moving into a house, getting taxes done, visiting doctors for a couple of different issues, and just getting on with life. I have been keeping notes on a few things I want to present here, but for now, just a few photos...

Vintage mail box

Curry Restaurant 

FruityVeggie Tree

Karaoke Singing
Below is a poster I spotted in a Micky D restaurant suggesting you "Join the Team". I found it reminiscent of the old Soviet Union communist party posters. The erect, proud stance, yet with a distinctive militaristic pose. Yeah, go team!

Team McD
Some may notice I've been posting a fair number of Sewer Covers. Yeah, I admit it. These artistic works of iron really cache my attention.

Sewer Covers

More Sewer Covers

Walking while using a smartphone is dangerous

Train Station window view

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